It's not a literature heavy
con like Philcon or Lunacon so I make a point of checking the panel listings
when I get there, attempting to get in as many writers panels as possible.
This year, however, I missed
CJ Henderson's panel because we were checking into our hotel. Rats. I did drop a bundle on buying
anthologies at his seller's table, though.
And I did make it to a couple
of panels:
I was in the audience at
three panels with Michele Lang, (I think I was on a panel with her at Lunacon.) She was kind enough to do a reading from her
book, Lady Lazarus, and to give away
copies of the next book in the series, Dark
Victory. Thanks, Michele, you are next on my reading list. She also read
one of her short stories at another panel.
Finally she was on a Copyright
and Creation panel with Margaret Killjoy (not a kill joy at all).
Margaret is absolutely the
cat's meow when it comes to anarchy and steampunk. He's the author of A
Steampunk's Guide to the Apocalypse, which I plan to read ASAP, and the current
editor of SteamPunk Magazine.
Finally, I sat in on an
inspirational panel by Oscar Rios and Mike Tresca called Maintaining Motivation
in Writing. This was worth the price of admission as I felt instantly
determined to get my projects (way too many I'm sorry to say) done, done,
done. While I have no problem getting
through a first draft, it's the second through final which feels like slow
torture. They had an excellent explanation for this: in a nutshell you are not
the same person who wrote that first draft and so as you change so does your
perspective. Now we all know to put a story or novel in the drawer to get some perspective.
Their point was to take a break, celebrate your success in finishing that first
draft, and then get back to it. Hmmm.
Worth a try I think.
So it was a terrific weekend,
and though we are all exhausted now, tomorrow we will be refreshed and ready to
face a new week.
Were you at Connecticon? How about some of the other cons last weekend. What was the best con you were ever at and why? Leave a comment.
Were you at Connecticon? How about some of the other cons last weekend. What was the best con you were ever at and why? Leave a comment.
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