Saturday, January 21, 2017

Signing and Release Party at Koneko Cat Cafe for Hell's Kitties!

On a snowy Sunday morning in early January, four of the ten contributors to Hell's Kitties and Other Beastly Beasts met to have a signing and release party at Koneko Cat Cafe.

Backyard of Koneko Cat Cafe covered in snow.

Four out of the ten contributors to Hell's Kitties

This cat is a fan of Steven Van Patten's work! There were cats hanging out all over the basement. Being a cold day, they weren't into the upper areas at all. Quite sensible. Some of the cats explored the books and the writers, but most were quite happy to just hang out and watch us.

Carole Ann Moleti braved the snowy roads to Manhattan to be there. After the signing we came upstairs and had coffee and snacks. The cafe had a huge selection of both savory and sweet treats, many of them Japanese.

Amy Grech signing copies as this beautiful long hair cat poses for us. 

April Grey wishes to thank, Steven, Carole and Amy for their stories and for being so kind to show up on a snowy day. She also wishes to thank Alp Beck for the wonderful pictures. I greatly enjoyed putting this anthology together and we already have a five star review at Amazon. Please do head over and and check it out. Hell's Kitties and Other Beastly Beasts has humorous, dark and heart-breaking stories by the writers at our party and by Rayne Hall, Mark Cassell, Jonathan Broughton, Anya Davis, Phillip T. Stephens and Yurika S. Grant.

And please do visit Koneko Cat Cafe to enjoy the company of their lovely felines and to partake in the delish coffee and treats!

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